Concerning the Bird

So we're in a new place and for the first time in six years we're not cooking thanksgiving dinner. We're far from family and on top of being sad, it is also much harder to acquire 12 guests without them. So what is one to do? How about attend two different dinners, cooking close to the same number of dishes, but no turkey. One of the dinners is a newlywed couple's first foray into cooking the turkey, and I was asked for my two cents. The problem is that over the years I've stripped down my recipes removing all the narrative elements and explanations. I can totally understand how over a lifetime a recipe can turn into "season to taste, cook till done." Again faced with a dilemma, I figured it would make sense to write a nearly 2,000 word treatise on cooking a Thanksgiving turkey. Seems logical, right? 

Note to the reader: Read all instructions before starting, I've never written this all out and I'd hate for someone to be going step by step and then realize they have to go to the hardware store with turkey all over their hands and their in-laws ringing the doorbell. 

1. Search. Take the innards out of the turkey cavity. If there is a plastic piece holding the legs together, leave that, its handy for lifting.

2. Acknowledgments. My thanksgiving is brought to you, and me, by Alton Brown, my culinary and puppet hero (well, one of my puppet heroes). Watch this video to understand brining (but use the simpler recipe below, Alton has simplified over the years too).

3. Brine baby, brine. You can even do this in the bucket (you have a brining bucket, right? I use a 5 gallon bucket, just brush out the sawdust and spackle. (Just kidding, it was new, I washed it out, and use it only for brining). Add 1 cup kosher salt + 1/2 cup brown sugar. Then add enough hot tap water to dissolve (stirring helps this). We're needing this to be cold sooner than later so you can probably get away with around 4 cups hot water. This can be done well ahead of time. 

4. Thanksgiving eve. Anywhere between 12-18 hours before oven time (Wednesday evening at some point) put the bird in the bucket, breasts down (possibly using that handy plastic bit). Then start filling the bucket with cold water until it just covers the drums of the drumsticks. The bird might start to float, thats why we're leaving some room at the top. Find a plate or pot lid that fits inside your bucket and place it on top of the bird, and then fill the rest with ice. Oh, you'll need a small bag of ice (unless you have a prolific ice machine). Top it all off with cold water. Put a lid on the bucket. Place it either somewhere cool (outdoors in a snow drift if possible) or just out of your way (second best). The ice will hold the plate and therefore the turkey in the brine and as the ice melts the cold water goes down and keeps everything chilly. If you peek in and the ice is melted and you're worried about it, take the water temperature, the USDA danger zone begins at 40 degrees F. Add more ice if so. 

5. Timing: part 1. Figure out when the bird has to go in to said oven. Last year I started the process of putting the turkey in the oven a little over 5 hours before meal time. This is the one time a year that you need two ovens, because the turkey takes up one for the whole morning! Doesn't the turkey know it's Thanksgiving, we need our oven space! How inconsiderate. Factor this into your overall oven plan. Luckily it takes a ridiculously long time to sit and cool before it reaches a temperature that doesn't melt your hands and then there's the final decathlon that is making gravy (Does that sports metaphor hold? Apparently there are sporting matches on Thanksgiving) Take a stick of butter out and leave it on the counter and go to bed! There's only so much you can do, and being delirious is not the way to start turkey day! 

6. Morning of. Take the bird out of the brine. Where's it going? Best to figure this out while holding a heavy slippery hunk of raw meat that is dripping all over your floor. I normally have a prep plate, it's one more dish to do but I like to keep my roasting pan clean for this part. Line the plate with a few layers of paper towels. I am also gloved at this point and for some time to come. Now we blot, we need the bird to be dry, inside and out, top and bottom. Don't rinse! We just spent all that time chemically injecting it with salty goodness, don't mess with it, um, because science (?). 

7. Now we're cooking with gas, or electricity. We can preheat the oven at this point, good ol' 350 degrees F. Okay, back to our heros...

8. Getting under the skin. Remember that stick of butter? Take 5 Tablespoons of it and add it to a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon each chopped fresh rosemary, sage, and thyme. You're still wearing gloves, right? Smoosh that all together and, working from the neck end, slide your fingers under skin until you reach the end of the breast, being careful not to tear the skin, but forceful enough to get your whole hand in. Yeah, it's gross, get over it, you're serving a higher power. You'll be happy you did when you have turkey breast that isn't gray cardboard. 

9. Skin in the game. Lest you think I'm shunning the skin lovers, next is the dry rub. Normally I just rummage through the spice cabinet and make some concoction but I'm writing this down so, I'd say garlic power, smoked paprika, cayenne, pepper, Old Bay (don't have any? stop everything and go get some. Local store doesn't carry it? I'd suggest moving). Hmm, amounts you ask... maybe start with a teaspoon of each and see if thats enough. This gets rubbed over the whole surface of the bird, all the nooks and crannies, really get in there, again, you'll be happy you did.

10. Timing: part 2. My culinary bar mitzvah was ushered in by weighing ingredients (for baking specifically) and cooking things using temperature rather than time. I'm now on my second probe thermometer, I've upgraded to one with 1) a heavier duty cord and 2) a wireless base so I can clip the receiver display to my apron and pretend like I'm Buzz Lightyear, but I'm getting off track. Cooking a turkey until it's the proper internal temp (155 degrees F, which rises to 165 while resting) makes all the difference. Stick the probe in the fleshiest part of the thigh. If your turkey has a plastic pop thermometer, congratulations, your turkey had a rebellious moment and got a useless piercing. Leave it in and ignore it like a good parent.

11. Stuff. You know all those other recipes that called for three sprigs of this and half of that? The old hotdog/bun conundrum? Well I take everything left on my counter and stuff it in the cavity. Apples, celery, herbs, onions. The only thing I've had bad results with is citrus, makes better garnish anyway. 

12. Tying up an animal or The one thing I might have learned from the boy scouts. Luckily Alton has another video, here. This is normally where I need a set of not gloved gross hands to press play and pause while I do it, luckily this is what love is about. Video watched? Turkey trussed? Good, moving on.  

13. Confessions. Ok, here where my whole "I find it easier to grow your own wheat to make bread" facade gets a little thin. I use Reynolds oven bags. Yes I put my food in a thin plastic bag in a hot over for hours. I'm going to go with the naive anecdotal belief that a cell phone in my pocket every day is probably way worse. And if I'm taken down, death by thanksgiving is pretty high on my list. It makes cooking time reasonable and it keeps all of the drippings for the gravy train. Ok, shame revealed. Moving on. Open the bag in the roasting pan and get ready for lift off. Follow the directions on the box for prep and make sure to leave the probe's cord sticking out the back. I've read to put the turkey in the oven legs towards the back. I can't find the reference so I'll just go with "so it doesn't run away" or some other nonsense.   

14. Cook 'til done, or 10 degrees of done. I set my thermometer's alarm (fancy huh?) to 155 degrees F. When it hits that I take it out of the oven. Now hurry up and do nothing!! I don't touch it for at least 30 min, while the temperature of the bird continues to climb to a USDA approved 165 degrees. If you leave it in the oven until 165 you're not going to be happy. I may slice the bag open part of the way through but it is still at melt your face temperatures. You have a preheated oven, make the rest of your meal, stat!  

15. Are we there yet? Probably the same answer that normally follows that question. At around 30 minutes I test to see if I can handle the bird. If it's tolerable I move it to an assembly of cutting board on top of a towel inside a baking sheet with sides. and I let it sit, longer! 

16. Gravy train. With the bird evicted form the roasting pan, I can remove the bag and dump all the liquid gold into the pan. And then I watch this Alton video. The main difference is that since we used a oven bag we are lacking crispy bits (it's okay, we are not in need of more flavor), while at the same time we have more than enough juice to not need stock or wine (more for you to drink during all this, or so I'm told). Sometimes I add the herbs other times I don't, again, with all the beginning steps we don't need to do much of anything now to get an awesome product. And by this time you might be very thankful for one or two less steps, your honored guests and loved ones have surely breached the perimeter. Have a gravy shot for me. 

17. Carving. Okay, we're careening close to some deeply held traditions, so venture at your own pace and familial obligations. I did not grow up with a Rockwell-esk table side carving so my forebears are resting peacefully and not preparing to haunt me. And after the morning we've had, who the hell wants that pressure?! To add to that, doing it right isn't pretty. Back to you in the studio Alton. Keeping the skin on the slices and successfully transporting them to the serving platter was a bonus level I didn't know existed until I went down that pipe last year. Remember, plating is 5 points. 

18. Carving P.S. Oh, you got your knives sharpened a few weeks ago right? Duh, of course you did. No? Well, for next year it is way easier and cheaper that I ever thought before it became an annual occurrence. Check to see if there's someone that comes by a local hardware store, or better yet, go to your local fabric mart and ask them who sharpens their scissors.

Ta-da! Turkey mastered! Novella complete. As a kid Thanksgiving was my favorite non-gift-giving holiday and as an adult it is my favorite overall. Also, most of the aforementioned gifts now go to supporting the Thanksgiving effort (helps to have a birthday a week before). From my experience, the difference between a happy holiday and a not-so-happy one is time (and therefore stress) management. I sincerely hope this helps with that and, if for nothing else, add a little levity in this possibly trying time. A very happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and family!   

Chipotle Lime Cranberry Sauce

cranberry sauce with goat cheese and gouda

We're baaaacccckkk.... I know, it's been a long time. The holidays are a constant source of inspiration for us, so even though we are still trying to find our way in this new place and topsy-turvy life, the ideas start flowing in November.

Are you excited for Thanksgiving? Ben is a huge Thanksgiving enthusiast; if I am being honest, I get a little bored with the same old thing every year. This recipe I have today is a twist on a typical favorite, but adds a little tang and spice to mix things up. The idea for this recipe came from a college friend of mine who has her own awesome, southern food blog, Biscuits and Such. I made Elena's recipe four years ago when she first published it and over the years I have changed it up a little to match my own tastes. Let's just say that Ben is a little bit of a control freak when it comes to Thanksgiving and I need to have my own projects if I want to feel useful.  This is one of a few that I've focused on over the years.

cranberry and lime

The flavors aren't too extreme, and let's face it, anything that can be doubled as a salsa is ok in my book. Salsa is just sauce, right? Cranberry salsa and chips will serve as the perfect holiday themed appetizer for your holiday potlucks. As you are pulling together your menu, consider adding this one to the lineup. 

This cranberry sauce uses several of my favorite things: lime, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, and even cranberries. I've always had a thing for cranberries, maybe it goes back to visiting the Ocean Spray factory when I was a kid and riding by the flooded cranberry bogs, but I've really always liked their unique taste, even though it isn't a very popular kid flavor. 

Kitchen cranberry bog.

Kitchen cranberry bog.

Besides serving this as a ridiculously great salsa with tortilla chips, we have also loved it on bread with Goat Cheese or Smoked Gouda. OR (!) as I am writing this, Ben is experimenting with putting it on a peanut butter sandwich as a sort of smoky, spicy jam; this should serve as evidence to the versatility of this very special holiday recipe. I'm going to keep making it this year as long as I can keep buying the cranberries in the store! 

These are not the prettiest things you've ever seen but they bring a lot to the flavor game!

These are not the prettiest things you've ever seen but they bring a lot to the flavor game!

Minced peppers measured out to two teaspoons.

Minced peppers measured out to two teaspoons.

cranberry sauce on the cutting board


  • 1/4 cup plus 1 TB of sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp minced chipotle in adobo, plus 1 tsp of the adobo sauce
  • 2 cups fresh cranberries
  • Juice of 1/2 a lime


  1. Rinse your cranberries. Use the same method as a cranberry bog and fill up a large bowl with water and dump the cranberries in. The bad ones will sink to the bottom, don't use those.
  2. Add water, sugar, and cumin to a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. While the water and sugar are coming to a boil, mince the peppers. I used 2 peppers and they measured out to 2 teaspoons in total. This is not a very neat and tidy mince, more of a controlled mash. Just make sure that the pieces are small so no one gets a big mouthful of chipotle.
  4. After the water and sugar comes to a boil, add the peppers and cranberry; return to a boil.
  5. Lower the heat and simmer for 15-30 minutes, waiting (and listening because it is exciting) for the cranberries to pop, and the sauce to thicken.   The longer you cook, this thicker the sauce will be.
  6. Add the juice of 1/2 a lime, and stir to incorporate.
  7. Allow to cool at room temperature before serving.
Bonus Dish: Cranberry Salsa!!!!!!

Bonus Dish: Cranberry Salsa!!!!!!

Chicken Pot Pie From the Family Recipe Box

chicken pot pies_snips entwined

So, Ben and I like chicken pot pie, quite a lot. We like it so much that we served individual chicken pot pies as the main course at our wedding. That was actually the first thing I decided about the wedding, that there would be chicken pot pie. Now that's devotion to a food, a wedding designed around the chicken pot pie theme. But, there really isn't anything to dislike about chicken pot pie; mirepoix, butter, cream, potatoes, and a flaky crust. I mean, come on?

I think that Ben's Grandmother is the one that started using this recipe. The recipe page is copied from a Southern Living from long ago and is different than the 10 recipes they have on their website currently. It 's one of those recipes we've had with Ben's mom since I've know him, and I always request it when we visit. Even though we make it ourselves, I'm of the opinion that food always tastes better when someone else makes it. 

I've only strayed from this recipe once or twice, with disappointing results, so now I'm loyal to this one. It's simple and can be tweaked in any way you wish, adding spices that would sway it in different directions and food families.

This recipe is simple and wonderful, and I could pretty much eat the filling alone, but the pie crust sends it out of this world. So now without further ado, the recipe.

mirepoix snips entwined
chopped vegetables chicken pot pie
chicken pot pie from snips entwined
chicken pot pie filling in pot
chicken pot pies with filling

Chicken Pot Pie

Adapted from an old Southern Living recipe

Fills 8 one-cup ramekins


1.5 pounds of chicken
1/3 cup butter
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped carrots
1 small potato chopped
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup half-and-half
2 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 package refrigerated pie crust


1.   Cook the chicken as you see fit, depending on your preferences. It could be boiled, baked or picked from a rotisserie chicken. Shred your chicken into bite sized pieces.

2.   Preheat oven to 400°

3.   Take piecrust out of refrigerator and bring it to room temperature.

4.   Melt butter in a soup pot over medium high heat.

5.   Add onions, carrots, celery, peas, and potato; cook until carrots are tender, about 10 minutes.

6.   Sprinkle in flour, stirring until smooth.

7.   Gradually add broth and half-and half, stirring to combine and deglazing the pan.

8.   Cook until the liquid is thickened and bubbling.

9.   Add chicken, salt, and pepper to the mixture and stir to combine.

10.   Spoon into baking dish or individual ramekins.

11.   Cut piecrust to fit your baking dish, either by tracing your dish, or using a cookie cutter.  You could also create a crust layered out of many small shapes, or a lattice. I always leave a vent for steam to escape, we don't want any exploding pot pies.

12.   Place baking dish on baking sheet to catch any overflow, and bake for 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling.


Notes: To make this vegetarian, I would swap the chicken broth for veggie and add in other vegetables to replace the chicken. I think cauliflower would be great!

chicken pot pie with raw pie crust
chicken pot pie for snips entwined